Ropaar is your
Trusted “TRADEblazing Partner”
ROPAAR exists to “Break Through the Expected” by being a Trusted TRADEblazing Partner. We reject the predictable, cookie-cutter solutions because we believe that our clients can unlock more possibilities when together we challenge the status quo and not blindly follow a formula.
SAP experts
singularly focused on building the best Global Trade & Transportation focused practice in the world
Multi-disciplinary expertise
in Trade and its intersection with Logistics, Finance, and Manufacturing
Over 15 years of best-in-class implementations
with a diverse set of clients spanning multiple industries and geographies
We offer
Small Firm Relationship, Big Firm Deliverables
We serve leaders in the industry who understand the importance of compliance and rules, but demand more and envision more. We go the extra mile, ensuring our clients come first and make sure the experience feels personal, no matter how big we become.
We are thought leaders
Authored the first SAP Press GTS book in 2005
Delivered numerous presentations in ASUG/Sapphire forums
Authored white papers in the trade and logistics domain